суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


I had a minor victory with the sewing machine.

And by "victory," I mean, of course, Iapos;m an idiot and I think I figured out what I was doing wrong. (Missed a step in threading, wrong type of needle, needle inserted incorrectly...aaand possibly the loose spool cap is messing me up.)

I also finally figured out the auto-threader mechanism (not broken again, Iapos;m just a twit) and remembered how to do the overcast stitch, negating the need for the fold-n-stitch and ironing seams...after I already did it.

I love that manual.
I need to make multiple copies and leave them in all the places I think I might squirrel it away, just in case, so it doesnapos;t take hours to find it again next time. On the upside, I did find a bunch of crafty things Iapos;d forgotten about. On the downside (maybe), it disproves the theory that I just have an aura that breaks mechanical things, as I was convinced all through college. I mean, that wouldnapos;t be a bad thing if it didnapos;t mean Iapos;m a twit.

Anyway. One part is done. Still more to do, but the belt was a basic component. Guess Iapos;ll be costuming most of tomorrow. :/
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Hmm iapos;m like a kid keep bombing questions n questions

still rmb when we were young
aunties usuallly say kids who ask alot n alots of whys are clever ppl next time

at tis age
am i still gonna be a clever kid next time? heehee -.-"

wells if he said they noe ntg den ntg lor...
tho if lidat i tink alot of ppl noe
u shud noe who bah

but wells
tink itapos;s time to build my relationship rather than thinking so much bah

rather than thinking of what otherapos;s say
i might as well think of how to create happiness for us =) hehe

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dress form professional

(Armandapos;s St Justapos;s cold voice can be heard): Monsieur Lestrange, do not antagonize me. I may not look like a dangerous person, but the St. Justs are willful. My cousin has gone down in history as being so blood-thirsty he was called The Angel of Death. His name and memory are a curse in the France of your time. My adopted family brought war and near-destruction to their world through nothing worse than thwarted pride. I have not declared war on you. Take care that it stays that way.

(Zeldaapos;s is next): Rabastan Lestrange is a resident here, one whom Sheik has spoken to in the past... And in my dream Sheikapos;s eyes were green before he fell...

(Linkapos;s voice comes): I donapos;t mind - itapos;s all fair in finding out who did it. Innocence until proven guilty. (thereapos;s a brief pause before Linkapos;s voice comes again.) Stop being stupid on purpose. (Again)Nayruapos;s Love, shut up.

(Armand speaks again, his voice coldly contemptous) But I do know you, and I know your brother and your sister-in-law and your friends. Poor mad things, but so destructive, like children whoapos;d pull the wings off a fly just to watch it struggle around before dying.

(Linkapos;s words print out last, those typed and not spoken.) :Iapos;ve had more exhilarating conversation with a redead. At least their lack of brains are genuine.
(Armandapos;s soon follow) :That does not mean I donapos;t suspect him personally, but the decision is not mine to make.
(Linkapos;s words are last) :Just because someoneapos;s suspect doesnapos;t automatically mean theyapos;re guilty either, but again... Iapos;m with you on it, personally. You donapos;t seem the lying sort.

(Armandapos;s St Justapos;s cold voice comes in closing, repeating the words from the start): Monsieur Lestrange, do not antagonize me. I may not look like a dangerous person, but the St. Justs are willful. My cousin has gone down in history as being so blood-thirsty he was called The Angel of Death. His name and memory are a curse in the France of your time. My adopted family brought war and near-destruction to their world through nothing worse than thwarted pride. I have not declared war on you. Take care that it stays that way.

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bent over chick

This is awful, and I hope this little guy turns up. I'll have a photo soon. Here's part of the email I got. Apparently, someone stole the dog.

There is an 82-year-old men who is suffering for the lost of his companion and best friend. This gentleman became a widow recently and "Guicho" has being his solace and refuge.

Guicho was taken from the proximity of Flagler and 43rd. Place, in Miami. He is a Schnauzer, complete male, full ears, cropped tail, young adult, Salt and Pepper. He was wearing a blue collar and he has a microchip. A reward for his safe return is offered, no questions ask. We are heart broken and want him back at home.�

PLEASE CALL 786-317-6078 with any info.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

camera crick

I came to the sweetest realization last night. I am in love with Victoria. A few weeks ago we had this conversation where she said how she�was confused about how much/if she loves me with all the dependency she has on me. She was having a wierd time. I took that to mean that she didnapos;t love me. So for the past few weeks Iapos;ve been freaking out. Iapos;ve been very anxious. My head kept running. Should I stay...should i go....how do i cope with this...It got to the point where i was grumpy most of the time simply becasue i wasnapos;t really present in my life most of the time. I talked with V about it last night. First, I actually shared that I FINALLY actually recognized that i was anxious (which up till then i hadnapos;t).Then, i realized how faith based of a person I really am. Iapos;ve come through atlot of things, both with V and before her, but in all those times it was my faith in something that kept me going. With V it was my faith that we would get through things and have a good loving relationship that got me through the tough times in our relationship. Once I began�to lose that faith I began to fall apart. Once i actually opened up and shared myself with V, i started to actually be present with her. I could see and really feel how much I am in love with her. I could feel the chemstry and attraction we have. It was awesome. And i become full again. And my faith returned to me. Like it was said in the�movie "Dogma", when�your youngyour faith is like a small cup.It is easy�to fill up. But as you grow up, the cup gets bigger. It takes more to fill it up.�All day Iapos;ve been sooo full of love. I heard this song and I love it and have to dedicate it to my Sexy Person.

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city iwakuni

After coming back from University today I finally got a chance to have a play on "Wii Fit". I had read a lot of reviews and now I shall add my own:
First of all - it is great fun. Especially the more game based exercises are very motivating (like jogging through a virtual park or balancing lots of hula hoops), while the muscle exercises had be panting and perspiring within seconds (though I think they would be rather good for Garry).
Sadly - cheating is easy. The balancing board is brilliant, but still rather limited. I got full points (as in 100/100) in an abs exercise simply because I put my legs back down in time, while the game completely missed the fact that I barely got my shoulders of the ground (the idea was to do a V shape with your body while lying on the ground by raising your torso and legs at the same time). I did not intend to cheat, it was just a case of me having no abs and hence needing at least a few months of practice to get the exercise right - a fact that the game just did not manage to take into account. Still, obviously it is more about you exercising and cheating yourself has little point - so you could argue that the points you get at the end are secondary. Still and accurate evaluation would help as it is often hard to tell just how well one is doing and if one is improving.
When you first sign in you will be weighed and have to give the game your height and age. As my Wii is set onto English, I found that bit rather hard as I simply do not know how many feet I am and you could not switch to metric and stay with English, which I thought was a shame. My BMI (nicely enough it does not actually tell you your weight, but just your BMI) was satisfyingly enough in the upper third of the "ideal weight" box, but the game then insisted that I needed a goal of sorts and suggested if I shouldnapos;t aim for a "perfect" BMI of 22. In order to do so I have to loose about 6() kg. Now, I honestly do not know how much I weigh, but unless I have gained a lot of weight since leaving Luxembourg it should be around 65 kg. My ideal weight is 62 which I am happy to aim for, but the suggested 6 kg would put me onto 59 which would actually push me into being underweight. O.O Not too sure. It also asked me what sort of time frame I had in mind for my goal starting with 2 weeks. 2 weeks? For 6 kg? Honestly It did not give me a realistic suggestion but relied on me to know how much time I would need ignoring the fact that if I indeed lost 6 kg in 2 weeks it would be incredibly bad for my health not to mention almost impossible to do unless I starved myself. On the other hand I can imagine that some people who know more about how thin you have to be to be just as underweight as models these days than about health might aim for something unrealistic like that and would either ruin their health or their self esteem in an attempt to reach it during the suggested time - especially considering that this was in no way a case of me actually being overweight.
A similar lack of helpful suggestions can be noted during the game its self. Although it does point out that you should always warm up beforehand it gives you no idea how to do so, or what order of exercises would be advisable. Personally I do not find it very hard to find a sensible order that warms me up, gets the blood flowing, burns fat and finally cools me down again, but then I have exercised regularly for the last year and have taken several classes where warm up and cool down were essential to keep people from fainting (which does not mean that I got it right either, I am really just making an educated guess). Still, I feel that quite a few people who will and have bought Wii Fit are just the type who would not attend classes or go to actual gyms because of a lack of time/opportunity to do so or simply being uncomfortable when exercising around other people. So, again, I feel that some advice would be appreciated by most and as it is a game those who would not appreciate it, could always skip that bit.
There is also no time frame recommended (the body generally only starts burning fat after 30 minutes of exercising), which again I feel would be helpful.
My last criticism would be that the trainers keep telling you to think of "your ideal body" whilst exercising. Now, I see how this would be motivating for people who play to loose weight, but for someone like me who just wants to stay in shape and had to change her mode of exercise due to outside influences it is rather pointless and ever so slightly insulting - as if the fact that my BMI was only in the "ideal weight" category rather than ON the ideal weight line of 22.0 automatically made me unhappy with my shape and eager to loose fat.
All of these are obviously just minor points and if you look past them you will find a very motivating game ready to help you keep in shape with the right mix of serious exercise and fun activity. Still, I feel that the obsession with body images have had a little too much influence on this game...
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cravens nursery

The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke - I really wish I read this closer to reading Jonathan Strange Mr Norrell - many of the characters were the same, and I didnapos;t remember as much about that book as I would have liked.

Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri - This author is a master of short stories. She completely deserved a pulitzer for her previous book of short stories, and this book was just as strong.
cravens nursery, cravens nursery and fairfax, cravens nursery fairfax, cravens nursery virginia.